Subject: Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists, Part 19/20 Summary: 1855 mailing lists in twenty postings Supersedes: <> References: <> Date: 30 Nov 96 09:51:08 CST [This is the nineteenth of twenty articles on mailing lists.] tadream Contact: (Dave Datta) Purpose: For discussions about the German electronic band Tangerine Dream and related artists. The discussions are not moderated, but the discussions have some small relation to Tangerine Dream (solo works and instrumentation discussions are welcome). To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe tadream or .subscribe tadream-digest List owner: (David Datta) Last change: Jun 96 Taino-L Contact: Purpose: A forum for a discussion of the shared concerns of members of the Taino nation and other Arawak-speaking peoples from the Caribbean, U.S. and South America; and seeks to promote an awareness of the Taino people and the preservation of their culture. Use of an Arawak language as well as Spanish and English is encouraged. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .SUBSCRIBE TAINO-L List owner: (Haines Brown) Last change: Jun 96 Talon-Eclipse-Laser Contact: (Todd Day) Purpose: For owners and admirers of Talon, Eclipse or Laser automobiles. The name of the live feed is talon; the name of the digest is talon-digest. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe talon your-email-address or .subscribe talon-digest your-email-address Last change: Mar 95 TAMHA (Teaching American History) Contact: (Mark Roberts) Purpose: For teachers of American History to share ideas, compare notes, discuss historical or social issues that affect education, and to commiserate about the trials and tribulations of teaching American history. The list welcomes all those who have a genuine interest in American history and those who are concerned about the future of education in America. Please feel free to initiate your own conversation, join one in progress, or just comment. TAMHA (Teaching American History) was founded on the idea that quality communications between people of differing viewpoints can be an avenue for enhancing the teaching of American History. So, when you join TAMHA, you are undertaking a modest obligation to write in a way that is respectful of the views of others. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe tamha (your first name) (your last name) Last change: Sep 96 tandem Contact: Purpose: To discuss tandem bicycling though subject matter often is applicable to bicycling in general. HIGH VOLUME. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe tandem firstname lastname List owner: (Wade Blomgren) Last change: Aug 96 tanita-list Contact: Purpose: Information and discussion of singer/songwriter Tanita Tikaram. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe tanita-list List owner: (Daniel Rodrigues Parreira) Last change: Sep 96 Tarzan-list Contact: Purpose: Discussing Tarzan: The Epic Adventures and Joe Lara. To subscribe, send email to and on the Subject: line, put .subscribe List owner: (Cody Phoenix) Last change: Nov 96 tbi-sprt Contact: Purpose: The St.Johns University traumatic Brain Injury Support List, tbi-sprt, on was created for the exchange of information by survivors, supporters, and professionals concerned with traumatic brain injury and other neurological impairments which currently lack a forum. We know from our own experience that one of the difficulties people dealing with tbi face is that their time is often dominated by the survivor's recovery process. Accessing support groups or networking of any kind can seem like one more thing to add to an already packed schedule. A forum such as this is available at all hours of the day or night and does not need to become one more event that must be scheduled. To subscribe, send mail to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe the line tbi-sprt your-name List owners: (Len Burns) (Tapati Amber Sarasvati) Last change: Mar 95 TBI-SURV Contact: Description: A moderated list for persons with acquired brain injury. To subscribe, send email to .LISTSERV@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU and in the body of the message, put .SUB TBI-SURV URFIRSTNAME URLASTNAME List owner: (Dena K. Taylor) Last change: Feb 96 TBTF Contact: (Keith Dawson) Purpose: Tasty Bits from the Technology Front provides news and commentary on bellwethers in computer and communications technology, with special attention to commerce on the Internet. Published weekly and avidly devoured by a loyal and growing community of industry, government, and academic readers worldwide. You'll often read it here first. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe Last change: Oct 96 tcp-group Contact: Purpose: Discussion about promoting TCP/IP use on Ham packet radio. Last change: Mar 95 TEAMOS2HELP-L Contact: TEAMOS2HELP-L-Request@NIC.SURFNET.NL Purpose: The Team OS/2 Help Desk is a mailing list source for expert OS/2 help. It is not a source for advocacy or chat, but strictly a forum for giving and receiving help with the operating system OS/2, and running software and hardware under it. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe TEAMOS2HELP-L your-full-name List owner: (Lori Martin) Last change: Jul 96 tears4-fears Contact: (Joel Abbott) Purpose: Discussion of the music group Tears For Fears. Last change: Mar 95 teatime-list Contact: Purpose: A social list devoted to the pleasures of tea and teatime. To subscribe, send email to and the body of the message, put .subscribe You will start receiving mail immediately. There is a one-week wait before new members will be enabled to begin posting. Last change: Sep 96 Technology Review Magazine (techrev) Contact: TECHREV-request@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Purpose: MIT's National Magazine of Technology and Policy. Receive press releases on our upcoming issues 8 times a year. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe techrev List administrator: (Martha Connors) Last change: May 96 teddy-bears Contact: Purpose: Discussion of all aspects of the teddy-bear collecting, making and restoring hobby. Every enthusiast is welcome to join. The list is currently bi-lingual english and german, postings in either languages are welcome. Not moderated and public. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe List owner: Last change: Mar 95 Telecom Digest Contact: Purpose: The Internet's original and oldest mailing list, devoted to the topic of telecommunications in general and voice telephony in particular, at least most of the time. Founded in August, 1981, the Digest finished its 15th year on the net this past summer. Published a few times each day with the help of a few thousand devoted readers and correspondents, if the readers here cannot help you with telecom-related questions, I do not know who could. The Telecom Archives contains every issue of the Digest for the past 15 years, and all the output of the related Usenet newsgroup comp.dcom.telecom plus many other telecom-related files of interest. Automated help on using email to obtain information from the Archives: To subscribe, send email to List moderator: (Patrick Townson) Last change: Nov 96 telecomdocs Contact: Purpose: A moderated forum for the distribution of telecommunications rules, regulations and other official communications. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe telecomdocs List owner: Last change: Mar 95 telecomreg Contact: Purpose: An unmoderated forum for the discussion of the regulation of telecommunications (including cable television and telephony). To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe telecomreg List owner: Last change: Mar 95 TeleUSErs Contact: (Walter Krauchick) Purpose: To promote the interchange of technical information, examples, tips, etc., among the users of TeleUSE. The TeleUSErs mailing list is unmoderated. (Mail for TeleSoft TeleUSE Technical Support shoud NOT be sent to the list, technical support email should be sent to Last change: Mar 95 Temp-Biz (Temporary Placement Industry Mail List) Contact: Purpose: An open, moderated discussion list covering all areas of the temporary placement industry. It is intended as an arena for the exchange of ideas and solutions to problems that face people employed by a temporary placement firm. Discussions may include but are not limited to: getting the most from your temporaries, recruiting, on-site management skills, marketing and sales, retaining clients, and handling stress. Above all, this will be a participant driven discussion. Notes: 1. This list's main focus is the temporary placement business therefore it is limited to .COM and .NET domains only. 2. Only subscribers to Temp-Biz will be allowed to post messages to the list. Light moderation is used to weed out inappropriate and/or spam postings. To subscribe, send email to .MAIL-SERVER@BRCNET.COM and in the body of the message, put .SUBSCRIBE TEMP-BIZ your-REAL-NAME List moderator: (Craig Wells) Last change: Nov 96 Tennis Server INTERACTIVE Contact: Purpose: Mailings cover news about tennis information on the Internet, tennis tips, and notification of updates to the WWW Tennis Server. Also contains commercial Tennis related offers. Subscriptions are free, and mailings occur monthly. List owner: (Cliff Kurtzman) Last change: Jan 96 terrorism Contact: Purpose: To discuss non-political aspects of terrorism and terrorist attacks worldwide, oriented towards law enforcement and counter- terrorist professionals. Political discussions and flamage is strongly discouraged. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put add your-email-address Last change: Apr 96 TESL-L Contact: LISTSERV@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Purpose: For those of you who have many students interested in teaching English abroad, there is an internet group for teachers called TESL-L. To subscribe, send email to .LISTSERV@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU and in the body of the message, put .Subscribe TESL-L Last change: Mar 95 Tex_Willer Contact: (Alcionildo Santos) Purpose: This list talk of the magazine of far-west TEX. This list have a objective of add more fans to this great personage. and to debat the subjects with relation to the Far-West and your costumes. This list is to every the countrys that read the TEX WILLER MAGAZINE and persons ready a good recreation. Last change: Nov 96 Texas-Irish Contact: Purpose: Primarily for people living in Texas who wish to keep up-to-date on events happening around the state (cultural events, bands, meetings etc) pertaining to Ireland and other Celtic areas. Membership is not restricted to Texas residents but all subscribers are encouraged only to post information of interest to those in Texas. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .SUBSCRIBE Texas-Irish Your Name Last change: Jun 96 the_dojang Contact: Purpose: Discussion of Korean martial arts, e.g. Tang Soo Do, Hapkido, HwaRang Do, Taekwondo, Kuk Sool, etc. the_dojang-digest is the disgestified version of the_dojang list. Last change: Mar 95 theatre Contact: Purpose: The list is maintained by the Trade Unit of the Organization of American States as a public service. It is for discussion and announcements related to the Modern Drama Discussion Group that meets in the DC area every 4 to 6 weeks to discuss a modern play (post 1879) that has been read in advance. In many cases, the group also attends the play locally. The list is unmoderated, but you must be a member to post a message. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .join theatre List manager: (Jim Kay) Last change: Sep 96 theatre-misc Contact: Purpose: This is a mailing list gateway of the newsgroup To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe theatre-misc List owner: (Elizabeth Lear) Last change: Sep 96 theatresports theatresports-announce Contact: Contact: Purpose: For discussion of Theatre Sports games, politics, styles, techniques, workshops, ideas, etc, etc. For the announcements of Theatre Sports shows and activities (Mainly in the Sydney/Australia region, but not limited to this). List owner: (Anthony Rumble) Last change: Sep 96 TheCure Contact: Purpose: Discussion about the musical group "The Cure", and side projects such as "The Glove" or "Fools Dance" etc. There are actually two lists you can subscribe to. One being moderated, the other being unmoderated and instantaneous. To subscribe/unsubscribe to the moderated list, send mail to: To subscribe/unsubscribe to the unmoderated list, send mail to: Last change: Mar 96 Themusic Contact: Purpose: For discussions on bands that play alternative or heavy metal music (this also includes punk, grunge, etc.). Talk about anything in general here! To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe themusic List owner: Last change: Sep 96 Theos-L Contact: Purpose: This lists serves the Universal Village of Theosophists. It is to be used as a meeting ground for all Theosophists, world wide. No topic is too profound, too insignificant, too old, too new, or too used. Here we find our community of ideas and friends. All "Theosophists" are welcome regardless of any formal membership within any "Society". Please respect other's viewpoints, and try to remember that "There is no Religion higher than Truth". Tolerance is mandatory, and disagreement is expected. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe Theos-L your-name List owner: (John E. Mead) Last change: Mar 95 thewho Contact: Purpose: An unmoderated mailing list for discussion of the band The Who, its individual members, lyrics, etc. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe thewho List maintainer: (Paul M. Moriarty) Last change: Aug 96 think-c Contact: (Mark Nagel) Purpose: This list exists to discuss the Think C compiler for the Macintosh. Acceptable topics include discussion of compiler problems and solutions/workarounds, discussion of object-oriented programming and Macintosh programming, and the sharing of source code. Associated with this list is an archive stored on accessible via ftp and a mail archive server ( Submissions to the archive should go to think-c-request. Last change: Mar 95 Thringst Contact: Purpose: A fine art comic strip created six days a week by Larry Rodman and mailed via MIME attachment - Gif. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe Thringst-L *your name List owner: (Bebe Williams) Last change: Sep 96 thrower Contact: Purpose: Thrower is devoted to a sub-set of martial arts disciplines involving throwing weapons. Knives are the most commonly discussed, but other thrown weapons, bolos, boomerangs, laryiats, spears, axes, etc., whether for sport, hunting, or self defense are all included. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe throwe List owner: (Matthew Rapaport) Last change: Aug 96 THUMPER (Single Cylinder Motorcycle owner's mailing list) Contact: Purpose: Single cylinder motorcycle owner's mailing list. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe THUMPER YourFirstName YourLastName" List owner: (Alan Fleming) Last change: Mar 96 Tiamat-L Contact: Purpose: TIAMAT stands for Testing the Internet As Magickal/Aethyric Tool. The list is specifically for those interested in exploring the use of the Internet as a magick/occult tool and resource. Users on the list discuss magickal techniques useable in cyberspace, and also organize and perform on-line, virtual group workings. The list owner is me ( To subscribe send email to and in the body of the message, put .Subscribe Tiamat-L List owner: Last change: Mar 95 tibetan-spaniels Contact: Purpose: General mailing list dealing with owning, training, health and maintenance of Tibetan Spaniel dogs. List owner: (Jan A. Allinder) Last change: May 96 TidBITS Contact: Purpose: TidBITS is a free, weekly newsletter that covers the Macintosh and the Internet. To subscribe, send email to You do not need to put any special text in the subject or body. List owner: (Adam C. Engst) Last change: Sep 96 TIEL-L Contact: (Jeff Fischer) Purpose: Dedicated to the care, feeding and husbandry of the pet bird Cockatiel. All related questions and discussions are welcome! We are 200 members strong but daily posts run light. To subscribe, send email to .LISTSERV@UPATSIX.COM and in the body of the message, put .SUBSCRIBE TIEL-L YOURFIRSTNAME YOURLASTNAME Last change: Mar 96 tiger-list Contact: Purpose: Any and all discussion about Tiger Woods, the professional golfer. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe List owner: (Rick Umali) Last change: Oct 96 TimCurry-fans Contact: TIMCURRY-FANS-request@home.ease.LSOFT.COM Purpose: For fans of actor Tim Curry. To subscribe, send email to .LISTSERV@HOME.EASE.LSOFT.COM and in the body of the message, put .SUB TIMCURRY-FANS Your Full Name List owner: (Martha MacDavid) Last change: Sep 96 tinymuck-sloggers Contact: (Robert Earl) Purpose: Forum for programmers, wizards, and users of the extensible, programmable TinyMUD derivative known as TinyMUCK (current version: 2.2). Last change: Mar 95 titanic Contact: (John Davis) Purpose: The purpose of the Titanic mailing list is to provide a forum for the discussion of the HMS Titanic as well as other historic ocean liners. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe titanic or .subscribe titanic-digest Last change: Jun 96 tmbg-list tmbg-digest Contact: Purpose: Discussion of the musical group They Might Be Giants. List administrator: (Leo Bicknell) Last change: Sep 96 TMG-L Contact: Contact: Purpose: TMG-L is a mailing list for researchers interested in The Master Genealogist (TMG) software program by Wholly Genes, Inc. While this list is not owned or sponsored by Wholly Genes, Inc., company representatives are frequent and enthusiastic participants. TMG-L is not currently archived and is not available in digest format. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .Subscribe TMG-L Last change: Mar 95 TMNT (tmnt-l) Contact: Purpose: To discuss anything about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. For example: comics, TV series, movies, fan-related fiction, character analyses. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe tmnt-l List owner: Last change: Apr 96 tne-rces Contact: Purpose: Traveller-TNE, discussions concerning the Reformation Coalition, after the fall of the Galactic Empire. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe tne-rces Your Real Name List owner: (Mario M. Butter) Last change: Nov 96 TNMA (The New Media Analyst) Contact: (Brandi Jasmine) Purpose: The New Media Analyst monitors several dozen high-profile traditional print publications, for articles of interest to Investors in high-tech stocks and companies. On a periodic basis, clippings highlighting these stories are compiled and sent to subscribers. To subscribe, send email to and on the Subject: line, put SUBSCRIBE TNMA Last change: May 96 TNT Recipes List (Tried 'N True) Contact: Purpose: Dedicated to the exchange of recipes and information on all things culinary. Threads discussing food preparation, cookbooks, fine dining, food software, etc. are all acceptable in addition to Tried 'N True recipes. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe recipes List moderator: (Mary Spero) Last change: Nov 96 Toffeenet Contact: Purpose: For any discussion concerning Everton Football Club and anything vaguely related. In particular it is for fixtures, results, news and gossip, especially the kind of information that doesn't get mentioned by the international media. To subscribe send email to and in the body of the message, put .SUBSCRIBE TOFFEENET Your_real_name_here List onwer: (Bjoernar Steinbakken) Last change: Jul 96 Tolkien-Czech Contact: Purpose: The discussion, held in Czech and Slovak languages only, concerns works of J. R. R. Tolkien, especially their Czech (and Slovak) translations. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .SUBSCRIBE TOLKIEN Your-first-name Your-last-name Last change: Mar 95 TolkLang Contact: Purpose: Discussions of the linguistic aspects of J.R.R. Tolkien's works. This covers everything from Elvish vocabulary and grammar to his use of Old English. The list is (lightly) moderated. For more information, send email to and on the Subject: line, put .help Last change: Jun 96 top Contact: (Ger Timmens) Purpose: Discussion of the musical group Tower of Power and associated side projects. Last change: Mar 95 toptenbusiness-list (Top Ten List - Business) Contact: Purpose: Each day, subscribers receive a Top Ten List with a focus on small business success, management, leadership, money, entrepreneurism, web/internet tips, marketing and problem-solving. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe toptenbusiness-list List owner: (Thomas J. Leonard) Last change: Nov 96 toptenpersonal-list (Top Ten List - Personal) Contact: Purpose: Each day, subscribers receive a Top Ten List with a focus on personal development, communication skills, success, motivation, goals, achievement, spirituality or awareness. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe toptenpersonal-list List owner: (Thomas J. Leonard) Last change: Nov 96 TORG Contact: Purpose: West End Games' Torg Role Playing Game. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of your message, put .SUBSCRIBE TORG Your Name List owner: (Clay Luther) Last change: Mar 96 towers Contact: (Bill Kennedy) Purpose: General discussion on the subject of NCR Tower computers. Gatewayed with comp.sys.ncr. Last change: Mar 95 ToxList Contact: Purpose: For the purpose of generating discussions and disseminating information in the discipline of toxicology. Discussions related to the fields of drug, pesticide or hazardous waste toxicology, risk assessment and management, analytical toxicology, immunotoxicology and others areas related to the study of the effects of toxins on man or the enivironment are welcome. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .SUB ToxList firstname lastname List owner: (Geoff Rule) Last change: Apr 96 toyota-l Contact: Purpose: Discussion of all aspects pertaining to Toyota autos, trucks, and sport utility vehicles. Topics include, but are not limited to model-specific repairs, safety issues, and general advice on purchases. Last change: Mar 96 tp750 Contact: For dicsussion of IBM ThinkPad (tm) laptop computers, models 750, 755, and 360. (Some other models with the ThinkPad name are very different internally from these machines, so questions on these might be better addressed elsewhere.) In general, advertising of commercial products or services is prohibited on this list. However, list members may post brief, one-time announcements of new products, as long as those products are specifically related to the thinkpad models named above and the announcement is free of hype. Last change: Mar 95 TPM-L-digest Contact: (Barry D. Shulak) Purpose: For those interested in learning about and discussing new approaches to equipment management in the context of lean manufacturing systems. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe TPM-L-digest or .subscribe TPM-L Last change: Feb 96 TQM_PHOTO Contact: Purpose: For the discussion of modeling and photography. Specifically, it is geared towards aspiring and professional models and model photographers. We permit anything except adult-related pornography. List managers: Last change: Nov 96 TRADITIO Contact: Purpose: Priest-moderator provides answers to inquiries and commentary on topics from the traditional Roman Catholic perspective. Last change: Aug 96 The Tragically Hip Contact: Purpose: To distribute information and updates about the Canadian rock band, The Tragically Hip. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe tragically-hip your_name_here List manager: Last change: Jul 96 Tranmere Rovers Contact: Purpose: This list is for Mighty Whites to get together and discuss anything remotely related to progress of Tranmere Rovers towards the Premiership. News, views, reviews etc. - anything goes. Last change: Mar 95 Transgen Contact: LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU Purpose: Transgen is a list specifically for and about people who are transsexual, transgendered and/or transvestites. The list is open to the public. To subscribe, send email to .LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU and in the body of the message, put .SET TRANSGEN MAIL or .SET TRANSGEN DIGEST Last change: Mar 95 Traveller Contact: (TML Administrator) Purpose: To discuss the TRAVELLER Science Fiction Role Playing Game, published by Game Designers' Workshop. All variants of Traveller ("Classic", Traveller 2300, MegaTraveller, TNE, Marc Miller's Traveller), and Traveller games (Snapshot, Trillion Credit Squadron, etc.) are included, too. Discussion is unmoderated and open to all facets and levels of Traveller discussion. Listeners as well as contributors are welcome. See also: Xboat, 2300AD, Twilight 2000, Traveller, and Dark Conspiracy. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put subscribe traveller Your Email Address Last change: Jun 96 treasure Contact: Purpose: By and for treasure hunting enthusiasts. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe treasure List owner: (John J. Miller) Last change: May 96 TREK-REVIEW-L Contact: (Michael Scott Shappe) Purpose: A noise-free forum for reviews of Star Trek material. This category includes but is not limited to television programs, feature films, novels and novelizations, comic books, games and parodies of Star Trek. The list is not rooted in any specific generation of Trek. Original Series, Animated Series, Movie Era, Next Generation and Deep Space Nine materials are all valid. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .SUBSCRIBE TREK-REVIEW-L Firstname Lastname Last change: Mar 95 trektrade trektrade-digest Contact: Purpose: To help those interested in collecting Star Trek memoribilia find others in trading and selling to complete thier collections. This includes Collector Cards, CCG cards, Autographs, Figures and anything else you can think of. Commercial listings are not allowed. List also available in a digest form. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message put .subscribe trektrade or .subscribe trektrade-digest (for the digest version) List owner: (Jim Hepworth) Last change: Aug 96 trekwho-l Contact: Purpose: This list is Malta's first mailing list, dedicated to the discussion of Star Trek and Doctor Who. Fanfic is welcomed on this list. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe trekwho-l List owner: (Clyde Meli, B.Sc.) Last change: Oct 96 Trepan-D Contact: Purpose: Unmoderated discussion of weird news items. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .SUB TREPAN-D Your Name Last change: Mar 95 Trepan-L Contact: Purpose: Publication of weird news items. The list is moderated and submissions may be edited. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .SUB TREPAN-L Your Name Last change: Mar 95 trumpet-l Contact: Purpose: This unmoderated list is devoted to the subject of the trumpet. Messages on the topic of the trumpet or anything related to it are allowed on this list. The individuals posting messages here are solely responsible for the content of their own messages. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe trumpet-l List owner: (Michael Anderson) Last change: Jun 96 tuite Contact: Purpose: To discuss the theories of traditional chinese medicine as it relates to the martial arts. Pressure points, KO's, revivals, massage techniques will all be discussed. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe [address] Last change: Mar 95 TULIPE Contact: Purpose: A French discussion about History of occultism, esoterism and occult philosophy. Liste de discussion sur l'histoire de l'occultisme, l'esoterisme et la philosophie occulte. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe tulipe-lst List owner: (Herve Bruni) Last change: Nov 96 Turbo Contact: (automated list manager) Purpose: To help spread information and assistance for users of the Turbo Duo or Turbografx-16 home video game systems. A small file library is also available. For more information, send email to and on the Subject: line, put .HELP List owner: Last change: Jun 96 TurboVision Contact: Purpose: For TurboVision programmers (a library that comes with Borland C++ and Pascal compilers). Both languages are discussed. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe turbvis My Name Last change: Mar 95 turkc-l Contact: Purpose: News about Turks from the Turkish Radio Hour. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .susbcribe turkc-l e-mail (name lastname) Last change: Mar 95 Twilight 2000 Contact: (TW2K Administrator) Purpose: This mailing list exists to discuss the Twilight 2000 Science Fiction/Military Role Playing Game, originally published by Game Designers' Workshop. Discussion is unmoderated and open to all. See also: Traveller, Xboat, 2300AD, and DarkConspiracy. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe xboat Your Email Address Last change: Jun 96 Twilight World Contact: (Richard Karsmakers) Purpose: Fiction-only magazine. Last change: Jul 96 Two-Strokes (2-stroke motorcycle owner's mailing list) Contact: Purpose: For the discussion of two-stroke motorcycle technology, maintenance, and riding. It is primarily oriented towards street and road-racing two-strokes, but discussion about two-stroke dirt bikes is fine. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe 2STROKES YourFirstName YourLastName List owner: (Alan Fleming) Last change: Apr 96 Two Solitudes (an e-mail romance) Contact: (Carl Steadman) Purpose: Two Solitudes is a short work of fiction delivered through e-mail. Upon subscription to the service, readers receive, over the course of several weeks, carbon copies of messages exchanged between two persons familiar with each other, as they send them. Last change: Mar 95 TX-16w Contact: Purpose: To discuss the Yamaha TX-16w Sampling Tone Module. Topics include Yamaha's elusive OS, Typhoon - a third party OS, hardware and software mods, and other general info about this 12 bit MIDI sample module. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe tx16w yourname@youraddress List moderator: Last change: Jan 96 tx-firearms Contact: Purpose: The tx-firearms mailing list has been created to keep interested parties aware of Texas firearms laws, hunting seasons and regulations, pending legislation, group meetings, competition schedules, basically anything related to firearms in the State of Texas. The list is not moderated and is available to anyone. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe tx-firearms your_email_address Last change: Mar 95 Typetalk Contact: Purpose: For all manner of discussions related to typography and graphic design. Note that this list is interested primarily in the ARTISTIC aspects of graphic design. The list is unmoderated, and no one will censor what you say, but questions of the "Why won't my TrueType font print on my HP LaserJet?" and "Why won't SuperATM work with ?" sort are best directed to the newsgroup comp.fonts. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe typetalk To unsubscribe, send email to .unsubscribe typetalk and in the body of the message, put List owner: (Joe Clark) Last change: Jun 96 Tzuchi-SanJose Contact address: (Leon Liu) Purpose: For people interested in Tzuchi San Jose Office. Last change: Aug 96 UCONN-BBALL Contact: Purpose: An unmoderated discussion of Univerisity of Connecticut basketball. Both Men's and Women's programs are discussed here. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe List owner: (Brett Rabideau) Last change: Apr 96 ufa_users Contact: Purpose: For Unsaturated Flow Apparatus (UFA) users, owners and prospective buyers. The purpose of this list is the free exchange of information in regards to the UFA, specifically information about the following: experiments, methodologies, new techniques, new equipment, new accessories, etc. If you need more information just post it to the list and someone will reply. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .SUBSCRIBE ufa_users YourFirstName YourLastName To unsubscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .UNSUBSCRIBE ufa_users YourFirstName YourLastName List manager: (Paul Didzerekis) Last change: Oct 96 uilleann Contact: Contact: Purpose: About Irish uilleann pipes (a type of bagpipe). To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe uilleann Firstname Lastname List owner: (David Daye) Last change: Nov 96 UK-Cable Contact: Purpose: For discussion about cable services in the United Kingdom. Although primarily concerned with cable television and interactive services, it is also expected that there will be some coverage of telephone services. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe uk-cable Last change: Apr 96 UK-Comedy Contact: Purpose: The discussion of the UK comedy scene, on TV, radio, stand-up. Also for announcements of tours, inside info, and gig info. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .SUBSCRIBE First_Name Last_Name .END List owner: (Sam Michel) Last change: Jan 96 UK-DANCE Contact: Purpose: UK-DANCE is a mailing list for discussion about all aspects of dance music culture in the UK: clubs, raves, clubs, record shops, radio, records and anything else to do with the underground dance music scene. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe uk-dance Last change: Mar 95 uk-hockey Contact: (Steve Salvini) Purpose: To discuss ice hockey as played in and by Great Britain. We mail out news, gossip, league tables, match reports and results. The list is open to anyone interested in British hockey. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe uk-hockey Last change: Mar 95 uk-motss uk-motss-women Contact: Purpose: For gay people in the UK, or those who are interested in the UK gay scene/politics. It is a supportive environment for those unwilling or unable to read the soc.motss newsgroup, and confidentiality is assured. Anonymous posting is available. uk-motss-women is a women-only counterpart to the mixed uk-motss list. Potential subscribers should indicate whether or not they wish to receive the list as a digest, and if they wish to join uk-motss or uk-motss-women. For more information, send email to and on the Subject: line, put .send misc/info Last change: Mar 95 UK-RADIO Contact: Purpose: For discussion about broadcast radio in the UK: BBC National and Local Radio, Independent National Radio, ILR, satellite and the pirates. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe uk-radio Last change: Mar 95 ultralight-flight Contact: Purpose: For promoting conversation about ultralight aircraft, the joy of flying them, and the responsibility of maintaining them. Requests for advice or information are encouraged, and stories of your experiences and knowledge are eagerly consumed. Any other topics relating to the sport are also of interest to all of us. I would like to emphasize that promoting safety and a positive public image are paramount to our sport, particularly in the current state of the FAA NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rule Making) concerning expansion of ultralight rights. For administrative requests, send email to with one of the following commands in the SUBJECT line: subscribe unsubscribe info Requests a copy of this file. faq Requests a copy of frequently asked questions. list Requests a copy of the latest subscription list. List administrator: (David Hempy) Last change: Dec 95 ultralite-list Contact: Purpose: Discussion forum for users or potential users of the original NEC UltraLite PC1701 and PC1702 computers (the V30-based notebook computer with a 1MB or 2MB silicon hard disk, not the newer 80X86--based models). Topics include general information, tips, techniques, applications, experiences, and sources for hardware, software, accessories, and information. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subsingle List administrator: (Brian Smithson) Last change: May 96 Undercover Contact: Purpose: An unmoderated digest for the discussion of the Rolling Stones, rumours, reviews, gossip, facts, bootlegs, books, videos, solo material and so on. Highlights have included tape trees, a t-shirt project, two tribute tapes and some celebrity contacts.... To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe undercover or .subscribe undercover-digest List owner: (Steve Portigal) Last change: Mar 96 Undertow Contact: Purpose: A list dedicated to Suzanne Vega. Last change: Mar 95 Unicycling Contact: Purpose: To talk about all aspects of unicycling: learning to ride, learning new skills, where to buy a unicycle, where you can ride with others. Last change: Mar 95 Unisys Contact: (Richard H. Miller) Purpose: Discussion of all Unisys products and equipment. Last change: Mar 95 Universal Zendo Contact: Contact: Purpose: Welcome to the Universal Zendo, Dharman Craig Presson, prop.; founded by the legendary Mikael Cardell as a safe haven for the discussion of Zen (Ch'an, Soen) Buddhist practice rather than Buddhist history or philosophy. There is also a list for discussion of the relationship between science and Zen; it is called znerd, and was started by Victoria Cajipe. Please keep your messages short, friendly, and on-topic. If you get into arguments on *this* list, then you need to ask yourself why you're so argumentative. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put subscribe zendo or subscribe zendo-digest or subscribe znerd List owner: (Craig Presson) Last change: Jul 96 UNIVPD-L Contact: UNIVPD-L-Request@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU Purpose: A forum for sworn officers of university and college law enforcement officers to discuss issues of campus safety, crime prevention, legislation and other law enforcement issues. Membership is restricted to sworn campus law enforcement officers. To subscribe, send email to .LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU and in the body of the message, put .SUBSCRIBE UNIVPD-L your-first-name your-last-name List owner: (John H. Jordan) Last change: Mar 96 unix-peripherals Contact: Purpose: To discuss new technology and changing regulations regarding unix peripherals with specific emphasis on terminals, printers, networking, data communications, and bar code equipment. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe unix-periphs Last change: Apr 96 The Unofficial Nexgen Mailing List Contact: (David Wright) Purpose: Discussion of Nexgen/AMD products. To subscribe, send send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe nxmail List owner: (Greg S. Johnson) Last change: Mar 96 uruguay Contact: (Mariano Consens) (Alfredo Viola) Purpose: A mailing list for general discussions and information on topics related to Uruguay. Spanish is the dominent language in this list. To subscribe, please send name and email address to Last change: Mar 95 usa-tesla Contact: Contact: USA-TESLA-Request@USA.NET Purpose: For discussion of Nikola Tesla history, inventions, and coil design and construction techniques. It is moderated, and is run by the International Tesla Society in Colorado Springs, at Last change: Jun 96 usenet-oracle Contact: (Steve Kinzler) Purpose: An active, cooperative effort for creative humor. The Usenet Oracle answers any questions posed to it. A distribution list is available for receiving compilations of the best Usenet Oracle answers (the Usenet Oracularities, also posted to NOTE: This is wholly unrelated to the Oracle (tm) database software or company. For more information, send email to and on the Subject: line, put .help Last change: Mar 95 usnonprofit-L Contact: Purpose: Discussion of nonprofit organizations and the people who work in them. http:/ To subscribe, send an email to and on the Subject: line, put .subscribe List owner: (T.A. Newman) Last change: Oct 96 Utah Liberty Contact: Purpose: For liberty-minded individuals in Utah. The mailing list traffic consists primarily of event announcments and other traffic of interest to Utahns. It is low in volume and highly provincial in nature. Last change: Mar 95 UUG-dist Contact: (Syd Weinstein) Purpose: Discussion of Unify Corporations Database products including Unify, Accell/IDS, Accell/SQL, Accell/"generic database engine" and Unify Vision. Last change: Mar 95 UUPC/extended Announce Contact: (UUPC/extended Software Support) Purpose: This moderated list is for major announcements about UUPC/extended, primarily the availability of new releases. It is meant as a low-volume alternative to the UUPC-Info list. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe uupc-announce List owner: Last change: Mar 95 UUPC/extended Information UUPC/extended Information Digest Contact: (UUPC/extended Software Support) Purpose: This is an unmoderated support list for the DOS/OS2/Windows NT/Windows 3.1 UUCP clone UUPC/extended. The majority of posts come directly from the authors of UUPC/extended discussing changes to the programs as they are added. The digest provides the postings of UUPC-Info batched together weekly (or as required by volume). The digest is also posted to the Usenet newsgroups comp.mail.msdos.mail-news and comp.mail.misc. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe uupc-info or .subscribe uupc-info-digest List owner: Last change: Mar 95 UUs-L Contact: (Automated Info Server) Contact: (Steve Traugott) Purpose: UUs-L is a global meeting place for Unitarian Universalists and anyone going our way. The list's intent is to provide a forum for sharing of UU-related information across district and regional boundaries; to bring into contact people and ideas who normally would never have met; and to foster discussion of functional and structural innovations we can make in our organizations and world. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .SUBSCRIBE UUs-L Your Name Last change: Mar 95 UW-PHOTO Contact: Purpose: UW-PHOTO is a mailing list devoted to discussing all aspects of underwater photography. Topics in UW-PHOTO can include equipment, video, schools, techniques, and even showing off. UW-PHOTO will become an archive for items related to underwater photography (images, information sheets, technique discussions, etc) which will be accessible through UW-PHOTO, anonymous FTP, and the World-Wide-Web. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message, put .subscribe uw-photo Last change: Mar 95 UXU-INFO Contact: (Erik Soderstrom) Purpose: UXU-INFO is a mailing list designed to provide the readers of the underground rag uXu (underground eXperts united) with the latest files. It is therefor a one-way list for distribution of the uXu files to the subscribers, and that's it. List owner: Last change: Mar 95 ... continued ...